Get Started in 3 Quick Steps

Unlock the upskilling and reskilling power of tailored skills practice simulations.



Co-Build a Learning Program with Regis

Step 1: Discovery

First, we gather stakeholder input on learner mindsets, learning outcomes, business objectives, and modality preferences to create your skills-based learning solution. Team-based simulations, in-person workshops, self-guided and blended learning are all options!

Core areas for skill development:

Leadership Development

Sales and Consultative Skills

AI Readiness

Onboarding and Role Transition

Organizational Alignment and Digital Transformation

Business and Financial Acumen

Step 2: Design & Development

Next, we rapidly create a skill practice experience to review with stakeholders and subject matter experts.

Step 3: Deploy Your Skills-Based Learning Program

Then, we will collect feedback from your learners to ensure the program does what is supposed and they love it.



Use the SimGate™ Platform to Empower Your Learning Professionals

Step 1:

We’ll train and certify You to use the SimGate™ Platform to design, develop, and maintain your skills practice simulations.

Step 2:

Your team adopts SimGate™ with ReX AI to 10x your design and development.

Step 3:

Use the Platform solution across your organization. Build simulations, gamified eLearning, practice-based micro-learning, experiential workshops and more.

Contact Regis Today to Experience Scalable Simulations

Get a firsthand look at our award-winning skills-based learning solutions when you reach out to Regis. Our experts will partner with you on meeting your L&D goals.

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